The 2023 International Future Energy Electronics Conference
November 20 – 23 2023
The 2023 International Future Energy Electronics Conference (IFEEC) is a serial event that addressing researchers and industries from all areas of energy electronics systems technologies. It provides an international forum to:
exchange power and energy electronics ideas
present advances in the state of the art of power and energy electronics
identify emerging power and energy electronics research topics
help define the future of power and energy electronics systems technologies.
To encourage local students to attend the conference IFEEC2023 has introduced a special Local Student Registrations category. This heavily discounted registration is available for students of Australian Universities with an Australian residential address.
The aim of the registration is to encourage local students to experience a conference in their discipline area as part of their training. If the student has an accepted paper in the conference then they should use one of the other types of student registrations that include publication fees.
The local student delegate registrations fee of $AU349 includes morning and afternoon tea and lunch on each day of the conference, a delegate badge, and a downloaded copy of the delegate proceedings.
The 2023 International Future Energy Electronics Conference invites paper submissions and proposals for tutorials and special sessions in the following areas:
Power Conversion Technologies
Renewable Energy and Applications
Transportation Electrification
Motor Drives
Devices and Components
Smart-Grid Technologies
Emerging Power Electronics Technologies
Please refer to the calls below for full details and timing.
Passive Components for Advancement of Power Electronics
Toshihisa Shimizu (Fellow, IEEE) received the B.E., M.E., and Dr.Eng. degrees in electrical engineering from Tokyo Metropolitan University, Hachioji, Japan, in 1978, 1980, and 1991, respectively.,He was a Visiting Professor with VPEC, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Virginia, USA, in 1998. In 1980, he joined Fuji Electric Corporate Research and Development, Ltd., as a Research Engineer. Since 1993, he has been with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Hachioji, Japan. He is currently a Full Professor. His research interests include power converters, high-frequency inverters, photovoltaic power systems, modeling and reduction of EMI in power electronics, high power density converter design, and loss characterization of passive components.,Dr. Shimizu is a fellow member of IEEJ.
Prof. Ron Hui
NTU, Singapore
Wireless Power Transfer Technologies
Shu Yuen Ron Hui (Fellow, IEEE) received the B.Sc. (hons.) degree in electrical and electronic engineering from the University of Birmingham, Birmingham, U.K., in 1984, and the D.I.C. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Imperial College London, London, U.K., in 1987.,He currently holds the MediaTek Endowed Professorship with Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, and a Chair Professorship with Imperial College London, London, U.K. He was previously Philip Wong Wilson Wong Professor with the University of Hong Kong. He has authored or coauthored more than 500 research papers, including 300 refereed journal publications. Over 120 of his patents have been adopted by the industry. His research interests include power electronics, wireless power, sustainable lighting, and smart grid. His inventions on wireless charging platform technology underpin key dimensions of Qi, the world’s first wireless power standard, with freedom of positioning and localized charging features for wireless charging of consumer electronics. He also developed the photoelectrothermal theory for LED systems.,Dr. Hui was a recipient of the IEEE Rudolf Chope R&D Award and the IET achievement medal (The Crompton Medal) in 2010 and IEEE William E. Newell Power Electronics Award in 2015. He is a fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering, U.S. National Academy of Inventors, and Royal Academy of Engineering, U.K.
Prof. Firuz Zare
Queensland University of Technology
Impacts of grid-connected inverters in distribution networks: planning, regulations and standardisation
Prof Firuz Zare is the Head of School of Electrical Engineering and Robotics and has spent over 20 years in three main organisations – academia, industry and international standardisation committees as a leader, project manager and senior specialist. Prof Zare has team-building, management and leadership experience in emerging and multidisciplinary research and teaching activities, cross-institutional research and technology projects and national and international standardisation committees.
Prof Zare has been collaborating with several international research centres and industry in Australia, Europe, the USA and Japan in the fields of Energy Conversion Systems and Nanosecond Pulsed Power Technology.
His core research areas are:
1) Advanced Power Converter Topology and Control in Grid Connected Renewable Energy, Motor Drives and Energy Storage Systems
2) Electromagnetic Interferences and Harmonics in Power Systems
3) Addressing Standardisation and Emerging Issues of Future Grids
4) Pulsed Power Systems for Bioelectrics and Industrial Applications
Prof. Donald Grahame Holmes
RMIT University
Advances in the Control of Grid Connected Power Electronic Converters
Grahame Holmes (M’87–SM’03) received the B.S. degree and the M.S. degree in power systems engineering from the University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, in 1974 and 1979, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in pulse width modulation (PWM) theory for power electronic converters from Monash University, Clayton, Australia, in 1998.,In 1984, he joined Monash University, where he established and directed the Power Electronics Group for over 25 years. In 2010, he moved to RMIT University (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology) to take up a professorial chair in Smart Energy. He has a strong commitment and interest in the control and operation of electrical power converters His research interests include fundamental modulation theory and its application to the operation of energy conversion systems, current regulators for drive systems and PWM rectifiers, active filter systems for quality of supply improvement, resonant converters, current-source inverters for drive systems, and multilevel converters. He has made a significant contribution to the understanding of PWM theory through his publications and has developed close ties with the international research community in the area. He has published well over 150 papers at international conferences and in professional journals, and regularly reviews papers for all major IEEE Transactions in his area. He has also coauthored a major reference textbook on PWM theory with Prof. T. Lipo of the University of Wisconsin-Madison.,Prof. Holmes is an active member of the Industrial Power Converter and Industrial Drive Committees of the Industrial Applications Society of the IEEE, and is a member-at-large of the Adcom of the IEEE Power Electronics Society.
David Leal
Vice President of Business for the Southeast Asia – Delta Electronics
Power Electronics Engineers, the world is your oyster
David has over 20 years of experience in Power Electronics in the areas of engineering, manufacturing, sales and marketing and has played key roles in strategic planning, organizational development, establishing and building businesses in Asia Pacific, Europe and North America.
As the Vice President for SEA Business for Delta Electronics, David is responsible for all of Delta’s sales and market activities in SEA, including Australia and New Zealand, covering P&L, strategy development and execution of business development activities.
David holds a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Sydney and a Postgraduate Certificate of Management from Macquarie Graduate School of Management.
Power Electronics is a wonder land that is playing a crucial role in the energy sector by enabling efficiency improvements, facilitating a renewable energy economy while also matching up with an energy storage revolution.
The Power Electronics area has been advancing considerably in the last fifty years but between the push from both the public and the private sectors to reach respective emission reduction targets wrapped together with a global pandemic, investment in this area in recent years has been unprecedented.
Delta Electronics is a globally recognized leader in power electronics, automation, and thermal management solutions. With a rich history dating back to 1971, Delta is known for its commitment to innovation, sustainability, and quality across a diverse range of industries. Delta Electronics has been in Australia since the late 1990’s originally with a focus on Telecom power systems but has expanded rapidly in more recent years in Data centres, Industrial Automation and Electrical Infrastructure including Electric Vehicle charges.
As an engineer today you have an opportunity to play a vital role in addressing tomorrow’s energy challenges while advancing a more sustainable and efficient energy world. As an employed there are unfortunately not enough of you with the result being that it is an exciting time to be an engineer!
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All registrations include morning and afternoon tea and lunch on each day of the technical sessions, and the welcome reception.
Full registrations also include the conference award ceremony banquet cruise.
A full registration covers two (2) accepted papers. A student registration covers one (1) accepted paper. The presenter of a paper must be an author of the paper.
The conference does not provide attendance certificates, presentation certificates or any other form of certification of your attendance or presentation at the conference. If you want a Certificate of Attendance for your funding organisation please purchase one when you register. The conference registration desk is happy to sign off on your funding organisations certification if you bring it with you.
Registration Costs Inclusions
IEEE Member
Technical Sessions,
Morning Tea,
Afternoon Tea,
Welcome Reception,
Conference Banquet,
Up to two (2) accepted technical papers
Attendance Certificate
Before the
Final Manuscript Submission Deadline
Until 1 month
before the conference
Less than 1
month before the conference
Full Registration (non IEEE member)
Technical Sessions,
Morning Tea,
Afternoon Tea,
Welcome Reception,
Conference Banquet,
Up to two (2) accepted technical papers
Attendance Certificate
Before the Final Manuscript Submission Deadline
Until 1 month before the conference
Less than 1 month before the conference
IEEE Student
Member or Retired Member Registration
Technical Sessions,
Morning Tea,
Afternoon Tea,
Welcome Reception,
One (1) accepted technical paper
Attendance Certificate,
Conference Banquet
Before the
Final Manuscript Submission Deadline
Until 1 month
before the conference
Less than 1
month before the conference
Student Registration (non IEEE member)
Technical Sessions,
Morning Tea,
Afternoon Tea,
Welcome Reception,
One (1) accepted technical paper
Attendance Certificate,
Conference Banquet
Before the Final Manuscript Submission Deadline
Until 1 month before the conference
Less than 1 month before the conference
Extra Paper
Extra Banquet Ticket
Welcome Reception Ticket
Full terms and conditions and the conference cancelation policy can be found on the registrations site.